Please note:
‘All set up information will be sent out on the Sunday before each event. The final vendor list will be sent out on the Wednesday before the event. Due to late sign ups this list is subject to change.
‘Emails will be sent out to the email you provide at the time of signing up. It is your responsibility to add my email to your contacts so that you will receive any emails. This email is
‘Also the information will be posted on the event page for the show along with my business page and personal page. Sometimes the images I send in the emails are blurry so go to one of these pages to see updates and final information.
Make sure to follow these pages so you can get updates.
‘You will not receive a map in these emails. Due to vendors not checking in before going to their booths. There will be a generic one sent but not with your booth numbers.
‘Please understand that show attendance will vary for each event There are several factors to shopper attendance and all we can do is hope for the best Vendors ask and I understand why but I’m not going to lie to you and say “oh we have thousands to attend” Each event held will depend on weather, locations, and what other events are going on that day All I can do is provide the venue and do my part on advertising With your help on advertising it will spread more interest to the public and our numbers will grow. I will say that our annual events have been great in the past and we hope that this year they will be even better. So with that being said I’m not trying to avoid that question, but in my opinion NO event host can predict show attendance…….each event is a risk we take
If you sign up for any event at The Chattanooga Green or Coolidge Park you will be responsible for your parking. Cost is $6-$8 for the whole day. You must pay at the kiosk in the parking lot by using your tag number on your vehicle.